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Showing posts from January, 2024

Beckett at Home

Having Beckett at home was an adjustment - like it is for any new parent. It was tiring, it was joyful, and it was busy. Most of our time was occupied with feeding Beckett. The NG feeds, SINC (oral feeding "training"), took a pretty long time to set up and clean up from. On top of that, I was pumping every three hours. No one ever really talks about the exclusive pumpers out there - boy, is it a lot of work. Pumping on top of bottle feeding, cleaning and sterilizing everything over and over again. 8 times a day to be exact, at the start. Anyone who stuck through exclusive pumping for any period of time deserves a big pat on the back - myself included!  Feeding was our number one priority. I will write a separate post about Beckett's feeding journey because it is deserving of that, but I will just say for now that Keith and I believed strongly that Beckett was capable to eating orally, and that his recovery would be greatly improved if we were able to achieve oral feeding.